After two successful seasons of WAC Lab, more than 20 cultural institutions trained and some successful projects launched, we gathered some nice press features.

Press Review
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Twelve institutions join Web 3.0 fellowship—including Musée d'Orsay and Vienna's Belvedere Museum—to harness the power of blockchain, The Art Newspaper, February 17th 2023 (link)

Musée d’Orsay Partners With Tezos to Expand Web3 Offerings, NFT Now, September 29th 2023 (link)

Selected Press Review
A Tech Accelerator Helps Major Museums Develop Blockchain Projects to Stay Relevant to Younger Audiences
Quantum leap: how a decade of NFTs has changed digital art
Museums Leap into the Future with WAC Lab Season 3
A Quick Catch Up With Diane Drubay of WAC Lab
Diane Drubay and WAC Are Using Web3 to Reckon with Patronage, Power and the Future of Museums
WAC LAB : cette plateforme qui accompagne les musées dans leur transition numérique
How WAC Lab Onboarded Several Institutions to Tezos
Announcement of WAC Lab Open Call
#614 | Présentation du WAC LAB par We Are Museums avec sa fondatrice Diane Drubay
WAC Lab Invites Cultural Institutions to Innovate with Web3 Technology
Musée d’Orsay Partners With Tezos to Expand Web3 Offerings
Van Gogh Digital Collectibles Mark a New Partnership Between The Tezos Foundation and Musée d’Orsay
MMCA Sri Lanka Builds Web3 Solutions at the WAC Fellowship
Les musées progressent sur le Web3
WAC Fellowship Helps Museums Reshape the Arts and Culture Landscape
WAC Fellowship’s Second Cohort Pioneers Web3 Solutions For The Art Worll

A Closer Look at WAC Lab and Homebase Adoption

MMCA Sri Lanka Selected for the Web3 for the Arts & Culture WAC Fellowship
The Blockchain Transformation of Art and Culture is On: World’s Leading Cultural Institutions Entering Web3
Twelve institutions join Web 3.0 fellowship—including Musée d'Orsay and Vienna's Belvedere Museum—to harness the power of blockchain

Twelve Global Institutions Selected for Web3 for the Arts and Culture Fellowship Program

Web3 Is Headed Our Way. Are Cultural Institutions On Board?

Tezos Gitcoin Hackathon Offers $50K in Tez to Help Onboard Art Institutions to Web3

Tezos-Powered WAC Fellowship Slated to Start from April 18 Onwards

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